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Presanella Dairy



Founded in 1979, the Presanella dairy farm inherits the traditions of the small village dairy farms. The «Oggi come ieri» (Today like Yesterday) exhibition occupies 400 square meters and illustrates the livestock supply chain of the Val di Sole mountains. Visitors are welcomed by a friendly cartoon character, Nello, who will guide them on an engaging tour filled with sounds, scents and emotions to illustrate the dairy's long history and cheese-making tradition.

The visit, which begins at the store, includes several illustrative info panels and showcases the traditional tools. A video explains the various stages of processing, traditional rural culture and mountain farming techniques, describing the alpine pastures and meadows, the mountain herbs and the cattle breed. The tour ends in the cheese maturing room, with endless rows of wheels of cheese that will ultimately end up on the dinner tables of local families and tourists.

The Presanella cheese factory uses milk produced by the farmers of the upper Val di Sole. With care and dedication, their milk is then processed to make high quality cheeses such as Trentingrana, Nostrano, Casolèt of Val di Sole (Slow Food approved) and ricotta, in a way that respects both nature and the local dairy tradition. Caseificio Presanella is part of the Trentingrana Consortium, the Trentino cheesemakers’ association and the Federation of Cooperative Consortia of Trento. Its products are renowned for their quality.


Guided tours of the Presanella cheese factory offer a unique opportunity to learn about the milk processing methods behind the excellent local cheeses.
The visit ends, of course, with a cheese tasting session!


Opening period

During the dairy's opening hours. Free visit. 

From Monday to Saturday: from 8:30 am to 12 pm and from 3:30 pm to 7 pm. 

Sunday closed. 

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