Trentino Booking Booking

Venetian Sawmill in Dimaro

Museums and castles


Located on the edge of the town of Dimaro next to the main road to Madonna di Campiglio, the Segheria is a place of huge historical and cultural significance. Written records show that it dates back to at least the early 19th century. It remained in use until 1960. Over time it has undergone extensive renovation and modification work on both the wooden framework and the operation of its wooden and iron mechanisms. The Municipality of Dimaro has renovated the building and mill so it is fully working and able to be visited, restoring the Segheria Veneziana to its former glory.

An educational-exhibition tour takes visitors through the interior where they can admire handcrafted mechanisms made of wood and iron. Info panels describe all the workings of the mill; these remain accessible even when the sawmill is closed during the periods when there are no guided tours.

Opening period


Guided tours Venetian Sawmill every Tuesday and Friday in July and August.
Reservations required at Dimaro and Folgarida information offices.

Photo gallery



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